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Hello! I work to create more space, movement, and harmony in the body by creating a customized therapeutic massage made just for you. When you come in for your first appointment and every appointment afterwards, I listen. I listen to what you say and what you need out of a massage. I always employ a "work together" process during each customized treatment session.
I have been practicing massage therapy since 2000. I specialize in Neuromuscular Massage Therapy, Reflexology, and CranioSacral therapy. I first was introduced to the immense benefit of massage therapy after I broke my leg in two places which left me walking with an awkward hobble. I was amazed how therapeutic massage was in helping me walk normally again. Because I personally found so much benefit from the change in my body's structural position and relief from being in pain, I realized that this was the work I would like to do in order to help others feel better and move better. I have always found knowledge about how the body works together fascinating. My bachelor of arts from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as well as becoming a cardiac registered sonographer have only added to my knowledge base of this lifetime learning process.
Lastly, I have been certified as a Lymphatic Therapist. This healing art form started by Dr. Vodder and continued by Joachim Zuther have only furthered my amazement of how beneficial manual work can be for the body when the lymphatic system has been damaged or removed.
Thank you!
Kimberly (my online scheduler)
follow me on instagram: smilingtreetherapies